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The naive and bumbling author

Posted on July 26th 2013

It’s rather exciting as every morning I go to my Amazon Kindle Self Publishing site to check the number of downloads for ‘Hidden Lives’ from the previous day. If I am feeling brave I hold off for two days. When the book first went ‘live’ I couldn’t work out why there was only one sale when various friends had claimed to have downloaded. Being a computer mimbly I was only looking at US sales on which registered only one download. When I eventually twigged and clicked on my heart leaped as there been a steady stream of sales. Thanks to all those who have taken the leap of faith.

I have been heartened by my three reviewers to date and many thanks to Ian Parkinson for his excellent and honest review. I feel shame-faced that I had got the nomenclature incorrect for the Triumph Bonneville motor cycle ridden by the mysterious and delicious Valerie Harper on her night-time rides. It should be 650cc and not 500cc  so my apologies for motor cycle fans everywhere. It just goes to prove that I never owned a bike. I would have liked one but was forbidden by parents who encouraged me to drive a car which probably saved my life.

I recognise that there are a small number of typos in the MS and thanks to another friend for pointing out that Gerald Astle’s starched collar was ‘Van Heusen’ and not made by made by builders merchants as I had stated as ‘Van Hewson’! I am trying to collect the others: ‘fiercesome’ sounds correct but of course it’s ‘fearsome’ before I upload the revised MS again. It’s amazing that despite eight or so people reading the MS and spelling checking until one’s blue in the face these annoying slips occur. Obviously a professional editor would iron out these problems before publication but that is the penalty you pay for going it alone. We never stop learning but hopefully there is very few among the 85,000 or so words.